2019-2020 Seminars
POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE: Telomerase Holoenzyme Assembly, Structure, and Action at Telomeres
Kathleen Collins (UC Berkeley)
Hosted by: Department of Chemistry
POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE: NCI RNA Imaging and Intracellular Dynamics Workshop (flyer)
Porter Neuroscience Center, Building 35, Rooms 610/620/630
Website: https://ncifrederick.cancer.gov/events/conferences/NCIRNAWorkshop
VIRTUAL: RNA Center Journal Club
April 2, 4pm, BlueJeans link: https://bluejeans.com/2968484075/
Modulation of RNA Condensation by the DEAD-Box Protein eIF4A.
Tauber D, Tauber G, Khong A, Van Treeck B, Pelletier J, Parker R.
Cell. 2020 Feb 6;180(3):411-426.e16. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.12.031. Epub 2020 Jan 9.
Human Genetics Faculty Candidate Seminar
Illuminating the dark proteome that regulates gene transcription by live-cell single-molecule imaging flyer
Shasha Chong, Ph.D. / University of California, Berkeley
11am, M3330 Med Sci I
Seminar & workshop: Explore Single Cell Multiomics (flyer) (3/12/20)
Info Session: Biointerfaces Flagship Pioneering Summer Internship (3/11/20)
This is a summer fellowship program geared for students/postdocs who might be interested in life sciences entrepreneurship. View more information here.
Michigan Drug Discovery Programs and Potential Partnerships (flyer)
Peter Toogood, Ph.D., Director, Michigan Drug Discovery and Andrew Alt, Ph.D., Director, Center for Chemical Genomics

(L to R) Andrew Alt, Ph.D., Director, Center for Chemical Genomics, Nils Walter, and Peter Toogood, Ph.D., Director, Michigan Drug Discovery
Cellular and Developmental Biology Faculty Candidate Seminar
How to make a stem cell: Gene regulatory principles learned from vascular fate transitions (flyer) (3/5/20)
Dionna Kasper, Yale University School of Medicine
Biomedical Engineering Faculty Candidate Seminar
“Visualizing Biomolecular Interactions at Single-Molecule and Single-Cell Levels” (flyer) (3/5/20)
Ruobo Zhou, Harvard University
Defining microRNAs: How Cells Select Transcripts to Enter the microRNA pathway flyer (2/25/20)
Wenwen Fang, Whitehead / Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sponsored by: BiolChem Faculty Candidate Seminar
CRISPR tools for studying and engineering the three-dimensional genome (2/24/20)
Haifeng Wang, Ph.D.,Stanford University, Department of Bioengineering
Sponsored by: LSI Seminar
“United States of Single Cells” (2/20/20)
Joshua Welch, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics and Computer Science and Engineering
Sponsored by: Taubman Institute Tech Talk
LSI, Human Genetics, Biological Chemistry and MCDB joint Faculty Candidate Seminar
“Revealing Principles of Subcellular RNA Localization” flyer (2/13/20)
Furqan Fazal, Stanford University
Cellular and Developmental Biology Faculty Candidate Seminar
Building the Oligodendrocyte: Mechanisms of Acentrosomal Microtubule Nucleation and mRNA Transport flyer (2/13/20)
Meng-meng Fu, Stanford University
RNA Center Journal Club (2/6/20)
Reviewing: Atlas of Subcellular RNA Localization Revealed by APEX-Seq
Fazal FM1, Han S2, Parker KR1, Kaewsapsak P2, Xu J1, Boettiger AN3, Chang HY4, Ting AY5.
Remembering the past and rewiring the future: A protein based inheritance paradigm flyer(2/4/20)
Anupam Chakravarty, Stanford University
Sponsored by: MCDB Faculty Candidate Seminar
RNA Regulation at the Single Molecule Level: From Nuclear Organizations to Molecular Activity flyer (2/4/20)
Fangyuan Ding, California Institute of Technology
Sponsored by: Biological Chemistry Faculty Candidate Seminar
Illumina RNA-seq Seminar at the U-M Advanced Genomics Core (2/5/20)
Global Insights into Brain Diversity, Development, and Lineage at Single-Cell Resolution flyer (1/30/20)
Bushra Raj, Harvard University
Sponsored by: MCDB Faculty Candidate Seminar
Global, Organism-Scale Views of Cell State Heterogeneity & Dynamics Via Novel Single Cell Profiling Techniques flyer (1/27/20)
Junyue Cao, Ph.D. / University of Washington, Seattle
Sponsored by: Human Genetics Faculty Candidate Seminar
Fluorescence Microscopy Tools to Illuminate RNA and Protein Dynamics in Live Cells flyer (1/21/20)
Esther Braselmann, University of Colorado Boulder
Targeting Leukemias with Splicing Factor Mutations flyer
Timothy A. Graubert, M.D., Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Director of Hematologic Malignancies, Mass General Cancer Center
Host: Dipika Mohan and the Doctoral Program in Cancer Biology
“New Frontiers in RNA Secondary Structure Prediction” (flyer) 1/13/20
David Mathews , MD, PhD, Professor, Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics, University of Rochester

David Mathews, Rochester

Silvi Rouskin, Whitehead/MIT
“Regulation of Alternative Splicing by RNA Structure” (flyer) 12/16/19
Silvi Rouskin, Ph.D., Andria and Paul Heafy Whitehead Fellow, Whitehead/MIT
“Strategies Transcriptions Factors Use to Target “Inaccessible” DNA” 12/10/19
Michael Poirier (Ohio State University)
Hosted by: Department of Biological Chemistry

Qi Zhang, UNC
Unveiling the“Invisible” Regulatory States in RNA”(flyer) 12/9/19
Qi Zhang,Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of North Carolina

Auinash “Nash” Kalsotra, UIUC
“The Good and Bad of RNA Splicing: Choose your Alternative”(flyer) 12/2/19
Auinash Kalsotra, PhD, Departments of Biochemistry and Pathology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Kristian Baker, CWRU
“Interrogating the functional relationship between the translation and nonsense-mediated mRNA decay machineries” (flyer) 11/25/19
Kristian E. Baker, Ph.D. (Principle Investigator), Center for RNA Molecular Biology, Case Western Reserve University
“Population Shifts from Allosteric Coupling of RNA and Tryptophan in the Gene-Regulating Ring-Shaped Protein TRAP” flyer 11/22/19
Mark Foster (Ohio State University)
Hosted by: Department of Biophysics
“How to Make RNA Polymerase Processive” flyer 11/19/19
Irina Artsimovitch, Ohio State University
Host: Department of Biological Chemistry
“Quantifying Cell Type-Specific Changes in Transcriptional State and Gene Co-Regulation Across Multiple Datasets Using SCRANA-SEQ” flyer 11/19/19
Gerald Quon, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Molecular and Cellular Biology, UC Davis
Host: Department of Biological Chemistry
“Transcriptional regulatory mechanisms in animal cells” (flyer) 11/15/19
Robert G. Roeder, PhD, Arnold and Mabel Beckman Professor, Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The Rockefeller University Hosted by: 18th Annual Pathology Research Symposium
“m6A at the Virus-Host Interface” (flyer) 11/14/19
Dr. Stacy Horner, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Molecular Genetics & Microbiology, Duke University School of Medicine
CMB/Genetics Training Programs – Fall 2019 Short Course “Messing with the Messenger: The Role of RNA Modification in Biology”
“From Patterns to Function in Small Molecule: RNA Interactions” flyer 11/14/19
Amanda Hargrove Amanda E. Hargrove, PhD, Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Duke University, Trinity College of Science and the Arts, Durham, NC
Hosted by: Department of Medicinal Chemistry
“From the RNA World to the Clinic and Back with RNA Aptamers and Enzymes” (flyer) 11/11/19
Bruce A. Sullenger, Ph.D., Joseph and Dorothy Beard Professor, Department of Surgery
Professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology, Duke University Medical Center
“Generation of Plasticity in the Cephalopod Brain by Editing mRNA” 11/7/19 (flyer)
Joshua Rosenthal, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, The Eugene Bell Center, Marine Biological Laboratory, University of Chicago
“Mechanisms of Ribosome-Associated Quality Control” 11/5/19 (flyer)
Sichen (Susan) Shaou, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Cell Biology, Harvard University
Genetics Training Program Annual Retreat (flyer) (10/31/19)
Keynote speaker Dr. Robert Martienssen from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (bio)
“Restoring tissue homeostasis in bone marrow failure syndromes via post-transcriptional modulation of TERC and U6 non-coding RNAs” (flyer)
Luis Batista, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Developmental Biology, Washington University in St. Louis
21st Annual Rustbelt RNA Meeting (flyer), Keynote speaker Adrian R. Krainer (Harvard)
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH, For more information visit: RustBeltRNA.org
“Telomerase RNA Biogenesis: Human Genetics to Therapeutic Prospects” 10/25/19 (flyer)
Suneet Agarwal, Harvard Medical School
Hosted by: MCDB Seminar Series
“The present and future of Neurogenomics: a fragile balance” (flyer) 10/23/19
Peter Todd, M.D., Ph.D., Bucky and Patti Harris Professor of Neurology, Associate Professor, Neurology
Hosted by : Neurology Grand Rounds“RNA Editing Enzyme Machines” (flyer)

Ruslan Afasizhev, Boston University
“RNA Editing Enzyme Machines”10/21/19 (flyer)
Ruslan Afasizhev, PhD, Professor, Molecular & Cell Biology, Boston University Medical Campus
“The Role on Non Coding RNA in Genomic Stability and Aging” 10/16/19 (flyer)
Fabrizio d’Adda di Fagagna, PhD, IFOM – The FIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology, Milan, Italy
Hosted by: Michigan Center for Translational Pathology
“Synthetic Transcription Factors: Precision-tailored chemical transcription factors for personalized medicine” (10/14/19) flyer
Aseem Z. Ansari, Ph.D., Robert J. Urich Endowed Chair in Chemical Biology and Therapeutics, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Diversity Summit Lecture Hosted By: Life Sciences Institute
RNA Innovation Seminar
“Structure, Mechanism, and Genome Editing Applications of CRISPR-Cas3 (not Cas9)” (10/14/19) (flyer)
Ailong Ke PhD,Professor, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Cornell University
“Messing with the Messenger: The Role of RNA Modification in Biology”
Introductory Lecture “The Epitranscriptome” (flyer)
Mats Ljungman, Ph.D., Professor of Radiation Oncology and Environmental Health Sciences
“The RNA-based Initiation of Transposable Element Epigenetic Silencing” (10/7/19)
click to view flyer
Keith Slotkin, Ph.D., Associate Member and Principal Investigator, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, Associate Professor, Division of Biological Sciences, University of Missouri Columbia
“6th Annual Protein Folding Disease Initiative Symposium” (10/7/19) flyer
Featuring talks from Amanda Garner and Nils Walter
9am-4pm, BSRB/Kahn Auditorium
Hosted by: Protein Folding Disease Initiative
“Deconvoluting alternative RNA splicing in breast cancer” (10/7/19)
Chonghui Cheng, M.D., Ph.D., Baylor College of Medicine
11am, Research Auditorium Building 10 at NCRC
Hosted by: Rogel Cancer Center Grand Rounds
“RNA Binding Proteins, Cancer-Induced Cachexia–Potential Therapy” (10/4/19) flyer
Imed Gallouzi, Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Research Centre, Department of BiochemistryGoodman Cancer Center, McGill University
12pm, 1060 Biological Sciences Building
Hosted by: Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
“Detection structure and patterns in big biomedical data” (10/4/19) flyer
Smita Krishnaswamy, Assistant Professor, Genetics and Computer Science, Yale School of Medicine
3pm, Palmer Commons, Forum Hall
Hosted by: MIDAS

Anastasia Khvorova, UMass Med
“RNA Therapeutics: The Future of Human Medicine” (flyer) 9/30/19
Anastasia Khvorova, PhD, Professor, RNA Therapeutics Institute, Program in Molecular Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medicine
“The Precision Health Analytics Platform: Data, Analytics, and Resources For Your Research” 9/30/19
Erin O’Brien Kaleba, MPH, Director, Data Office for Clinical and Translational Research (D.O.C.T.R.) and Cinzia Villanucci Smothers, M.Bioethics, Project Manager, Precision Health, University of Michigan
Hosted by: MIDAS Seminar Series
“Investigating the role of RNA self-assembly in cellular organization and neurodegenerative disease.”9/17/19
Ankur Jain (Whitehead Institute)
Hosted by: Department of Human Genetics
“Stressed to death: altered stress response and recovery in neurodegenerative disease” 9/13/19
Daryl Bosco (UMass Med)
Hosted by: Neurology/Neuroscience research seminar series
“RNA control in pain” 9/9/19 (flyer)
Zachary Campbell, Ph. D., Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Dallas
“Biochemical Approaches to Analyzing the Transcriptome” 9/10/19
Robert Spitale (University of California Irvine)
Hosted by: Department of Biological Chemistry
“From fluctuations to function: The role of dynamics in the mechanism and regulation of translation” 9/10/19
Ruben Gonzalez (Columbia University)
Hosted by: Department of Chemistry