Introducing Chase Weidmann, Ph.D., U-M RNA Faculty Scholar
Introducing Chase Weidmann, Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor in the Department of Biological Chemistry
and RNA Scholar Faculty of the Center for RNA Biomedicine.
Introducing Chase Weidmann, Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor in the Department of Biological Chemistry
and RNA Scholar Faculty of the Center for RNA Biomedicine.
What a thrill it was to welcome our keynote speakers, including the 2023 Nobel Prize laureate for Physiology and Medicine Dr. Drew Weissman, and registrants to the U-M Ann Arbor campus on Friday, March 8, as well as those who joined us LIVE via Zoom. University of Michigan President Santa J. Ono, Ph.D., welcomed speakers and…
The grassroots Center for RNA Biomedicine at the University of Michigan involves among its opt-in membership RNA scientists from across the Ann Arbor campus, encompassing all seven Schools and Colleges that are engaged in the Biosciences. The Center’s leadership reflects this diversity of viewpoints and serves to facilitate scientific collaboration.
Initially scheduled for March 27, 2020, our 5th Annual Symposium “From RNA Biology to Medicine” is rescheduled for March 26, 2021 University of Michigan, Biomedical Research Science Building, 109 Zina Pitcher TOGETHER, WE SOLVE … Morning Welcome and Introduction, Mark Schlissel (President, University of Michigan) Afternoon Welcome and Introduction, Srijan Sen (Associate Vice President for…
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Sometimes it takes exploration outside our usual interests to find our true passion. This is what happened to Sydney Rosenblum, now a graduate student in Rackham Graduate School Program in Chemical Biology, in Professor Amanda Garner’s lab. In high school, Sydney felt that “science was not for her,” somewhat irrelevant or too abstract, until she…
Foundational RNA Biosciences: From Discovery to Function Friday, March 29, 2019, 8:30am – 4:00pm University of Michigan, Biomedical Research Science Building, 109 Zina Pitcher The Center for RNA Biomedicine Symposium brings together national leaders of the scientific, medical and engineering communities working on recent advances of our understanding of RNA. It will provide a means…