Poster Session || 8th Annual Symposium
The 8th Annual Center for RNA Biomedicine Symposium will be held on March 8, 2024. As in years past, we will have an opportunity for trainees to present their work in the form of a poster session midway through the day. In addition, and new this year, each presenter will have the option of participating in one of several lighting talk sessions for a chance to introduce their work prior to the poster session.
This will serve as a great opportunity for trainees to present their research to and network with a variety of leaders in the RNA field. Our Executive Planning Committee highly encourages trainees to present at these sessions.
The submission form will close at 11:59 PM on Monday, January 15. Completed posters are to be submitted electronically by Monday, February 26, and physically at the Symposium on Thursday, March 7, after 3 PM.

Additional information on Lightning Talks: each presenter has the option of introducing their work in a 3-minute “lightning talk.” Participants are encouraged to submit 2-3 slides to accompany their talk; slides should be unique to the talk and not simply a reproduction of the speaker’s poster.
Presenters should indicate their interest on the submission form linked above.
Lighting Talks will happen in three groups throughout the morning, followed by the poster session after lunch. Please indicate on the submission form your preferred time slot; while we will do our best to accommodate these requests, scheduling will be done on a first-come-first-served basis.
There is limited space for posters and even fewer spaces in the lightning talk sessions. In the event of interest that exceeds these constraints, the executive planning committee will make selections based on scientific merit.
Participants in the Lightning Sessions are invited to join RNA Center Communications Specialist, Paul Avedisian, for a crash course in public speaking and micro-talks. These training sessions will be held on Tuesday, January 16 @ 1:00 PM & Wednesday, February 14 @ 1:00 PM in Kahn Auditorium, BSRB. Please indicate your participation on the submission form.
We look forward to reviewing submissions and seeing the posters in March!