2021 Symposium – Matching our keynote speakers with their topics
- Our 5th Annual Symposium,”Processing RNA,” March 25–26, 2021, 11:00–2:30 pm ET
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A Ph.D. dissertation is a huge accomplishment, resulting from four, five or more years of intense research and training. To become a Ph.D. is a remarkable challenge both scientifically and intellectually that requires a deep personal and emotional commitment. A doctoral defense is not only the culmination of years of hard work, but it also…
By Justin P. Hicks | jhicks3@mlive.com Vaccines to protect against severe illness and death from COVID-19 started as the key to a return to normal, but they could wind up unlocking much more for the future of health care. The mRNA vaccine technology used by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna for their respective coronavirus vaccines has been heavily…
The latest issue of RNA Translated, the University of Michigan Center for RNA Biomedicine annual magazine and brief report, has been published and is available in print and to view online now! The 2024 issue focuses on our groundbreaking efforts to build a University of Michigan “M-RNA Therapeutics” initiative, led by Michelle Hastings, Ph.D.,…
The grassroots Center for RNA Biomedicine at the University of Michigan involves among its opt-in membership RNA scientists from across the Ann Arbor campus, encompassing all seven Schools and Colleges that are engaged in the Biosciences. The Center’s leadership reflects this diversity of viewpoints and serves to facilitate scientific collaboration.
KEYNOTE SPEAKER 2: March 25, 2021, 12:10–1:05 pm More information on the Symposium Blog by MiSciWriters “Structure-based discovery of new functions in large RNAs” Kevin Weeks, Ph.D. Kenan Distinguished Professor of Chemistry Chemistry, University of North Carolina The Kevin Weeks Lab TALK ABSTRACT The functions of many RNA molecules – including mRNAs, long non-coding RNAs,…