2017-2018 RNA Seminars
2017-2018 RNA Innovation Seminar Series

Ohi & Kitzman
RNA Innovation Seminars (6/18/18)
Melani Ohi, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, Research Associate Professor, Life Sciences Institute Using Cryo-EM to study RNA based molecular machines
Jacob Kitzman, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Human Genetics, Assistant Professor of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics Massively parallel measurement of mutations’ functional effects

Tai & Collins
RNA Innovation Seminars|| Theme: RNA viruses/retroviruses (6/4/18)
Andrew Tai, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Program in Cellular and Molecular Biology, University of Michigan Medical School “How positive-strand RNA viruses hijack the host cell to build viral replication sites”
Kathleen Collins, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Director, Cellular and Molecular Biology Program, Professor of Internal Medicine and Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Medical School “Peripheral Blood and Bone Marrow Reservoirs of HIV”

Guest Lecturer Arno Greenleaf, Duke University
RNA Innovation Seminars|| Guest Lecturer (5/21/18) Arno Greenleaf, Ph.D. Professor of Biochemistry, Department of Biochemistry, Duke University Medical Center “CDK12 and the machines of transcription, splicing and mRNA nuclear export” hosted by: Mats Ljungman Seminar Flyer

Collins & Mills
RNA Innovation Seminars|| Theme: RNA in neuroscience (5/14/18)
Catherine Collins, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology “Mechanisms of axonal stress signaling”
Ryan Mills, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics, Assistant Professor of Human Genetics “Exploring the dynamics of protein translation in a model of neuronal differentiation”

Tewari & Spengler
RNA Innovation Seminars|| Theme: Extracellular RNA (4/30/18)
Muneesh Tewari, M.D., Ph.D., Ray and Ruth Anderson-Laurence Sprague Memorial Research Professor, Professor of Internal Medicine “Extracellular RNAs as biomarkers and the road to clinical application”
Ryan Spengler, Ph.D., Research Fellow, Internal Medicine, Medical School “exRNA-seq Analysis in Human Biofluids”
RNA Innovation Seminars (4/16/18)
Indika Rajapakse, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Computational Medicine & Bioinformatics, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Dynamics and reprogramming of the human genome
Sathiya Pandi Narayanan, Ph.D., Research Fellow, Michigan Center for Translational Pathology “LADDER, a lung cancer prognostic LncRNA regulates DNA damage response”

Colacino & Buttitta
RNA Innovation Seminars|| Theme: Epigenetics (4/2/18)
Justin Colacino, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Environmental Health Sciences, Assistant Professor, Nutritional Sciences, Using single cell transcriptomics to understand environmental effects on the stem cell epigenome
Laura Buttitta, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, “Unveiling metamorphosis: Examining chromatin and gene expression dynamics and their coordination with the cell cycle in the developing Drosophila wing” (abstract)
RNA Innovation Seminars|| Theme: Computational analysis of RNA (3/19/18)

Laura Scott, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Genetic regulation of gene expression and methylation in skeletal muscle
Hui Jiang, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Robust identification of biomarkers using RNA-Seq data

Hero & Cai
RNA Innovation Seminars (3/5/18)
Dawen Cai, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Cell & Developmental Biology, “A Single Cell Perspective of Neuronal Connections and Subtypes in the Drosophila Brain”
Al Hero, Ph.D., John H. Holland Distinguished University Professor R. Jamison and Betty Williams Professor of Engineering, “Node centrality analysis for biological networks”

Beer & Tomlins
RNA Innovation Seminars|| Theme: RNA in cancer (2/19/18)
David Beer, Ph.D., Professor of Surgery, Section of Thoracic Surgery, Professor of Radiation Oncology, “Insights into Racial Differences in Esophageal Adenocarcinoma”
Scott Tomlins, M.D., Assistant Professor, Genitourinary Pathology, MCTP Clinical Laboratory – Oncomine Cancer Panel Test, Anatomic Pathology, “RNA: The forgotten molecule of precision oncology”
Dept of Chemistry Moses Gomberg Lecture Series: Thurs, Feb 15th 4PM, Chemistry 1640 Phil Belivacqua, Ph.D, Penn State University “Elucidation of catalytic strategies of small nucleolytic ribozymes from combined experimental and theoretical approaches”

Biological Chemistry Seminar: Tues, Feb 6th 12PM, North Lecture Hall, MS II Wendy Gilbert, Ph.D, Yale University “Regulated mRNA Modifications: New Functions for Ancient RNA Modifying Enzymes”

Menon & Trievel
RNA Innovation Seminars|| Theme: RNA in gene regulation (2/5/18)
Rajasree Menon, Ph.D., Assistant Research Scientist of Computational Medicine & Bioinformatics, “Seq-ing the human kidney single cells”
Raymond Trievel, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Biological Chemistry, “Structural and Functional Studies of Nocturnin, a Ribonuclease Implicated in Obesity”
Human Genetics Seminar: Monday, February 5th 4PM, South Lecture Hall (3699 MS II) Mike McCarthy, MD, Robert Turner Professor of Diabetic Medicine, University of Oxford, UK “Diamonds in the dirt: from genetics and genomics to biology and translation in type 2 diabetes”
MCDB Seminar: Friday, February 2nd 12:15PM, 1640 Chem Christine Queitsch, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Genome Sciences, University of Washington “Contrasting Regulatory DNA Variation and Flexible Transcription Factor Function”

Telesnitsky & Ono
RNA Innovation Seminars|| Theme: RNA viruses/retroviruses (1/22/18)
Alice Telesnitsky, Ph.D., Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Medical School “HIV-1 RNA fates and folds”
Akira Ono, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Medical School “Driving HIV-1 Gag to the plasma membrane: lipids and RNA are in charge” Keywords: tRNA, basic patch, virus assembly, and acidic phospholipids.

Xiang Zhou
RNA Innovation Seminars|| Theme: Computational analysis of RNA (1/8/18)
Xiang Zhou, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biostatistics “MACAU: Differential Expression Analysis and Expression Heritability Estimation for RNAseq Studies” (abstract)

Smith and Keane
RNA Innovation Seminars|| Theme: RNA structural biology and mechanism (12/18/17)
Janet Smith, Ph.D., Margaret J Hunter Collegiate Professor in the Life Sciences, Professor of Biological Chemistry, Medical School, Research Professor, Life Sciences Institute and Professor of Biophysics A Novel Mode of RNA Binding Assists APOBEC3H in the Molecular Arms Race Against HIV
Sarah Keane, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biophysics and Assistant Professor of Chemistry Hybrid Tools Promoted Biological Chemistry Seminar: Tues, Dec 12th 12PM, North Lecture Hall, MS II Ailong Ke, Ph.D., Cornell “Structure and Mechanism of RNA-Based Adaptive Immunity, the CRISPR-Cas System”
RNA Innovation Seminars|| Theme: RNA in neuroscience (12/4/17)
presented by:
David Turner, Ph.D., Research Associate Professor, Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience Institute Associate Professor, Biological Chemistry “microRNAs, microRNA targets, and neuron formation during mammalian retinal development”
Robert Thompson, Ph.D., Research Associate Professor, Psychiatry and Research Associate Professor, Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience Institute “Regulation of the astrocyte transcriptome”

Wierzbicki & Veatch
RNA Innovation Seminars|| Theme: RNA in gene regulation (11/20/17)
Andrzej Wierzbicki, Ph.D., Associate Professor Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology “The role of non-coding RNA in transcriptional gene silencing”
Sarah Veatch, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biophysics and Physics “Super-resolution fluorescent localization imaging: The basics, some headaches, a few tricks, and plans for the future”
Mini-Course Seminar: Tues, Nov 14th 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, North Lecture Hall, Med Sci II Burckhard Seelig, Ph.D., The BioTechnology Institute; Univ of Minnesota Primordial enzymes made in a test tube from random libraries of RNA and protein (Seminar Flyer)

Kumar & Lowenstein
RNA Innovation Seminars|| Theme: RNA in cancer (11/13/17)
Chandan Kumar, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Cancer Biology, MI-ONCOSEQ Clinical Sequencing Core Director, Experimental Pathology Clinical Sequencing for Precision Oncology: Growing footprint of RNA-seq” (Abstract)
Pedro Lowenstein, M.D., Ph.D., Richard C. Schneider Collegiate Professor of Neurosurgery, Professor, Cell and Developmental Biology “Small is Beautiful: The Power of Being Less than 200 Nucleotides Long” Keywords: RNA, Cancer, lnc-RNA, cRNA, Brain, 42 (Abstract)
Quatitative Biology Seminar: Mon, Nov 13th, 12 PM, 335 West Hall Tim Stasevich, Ph.D., Colorado State “Real-time imaging of single mRNA translation dynamics in living cells”
Biological Chemistry Seminar: Tues, Nov 7th 12PM, North Lecture Hall, MS II Alan Zahler, Ph.D., University of California, Santa Cruz “Genetic and Molecular Approaches to Understanding Splice Site Choice”
Chemistry Seminar: Wed, Nov 1st 4 PM, 1640 Chemistry Sylvia Rouskin, Ph.D., MIT Whitehead Institute “RNA structure heterogeneity”

Dou & Iwase
RNA Innovation Seminars|| Theme: Epigenetics (10/30/17)
Yali Dou, Ph.D., Professor, Pathology, Professor, Biological Chemistry, “Epigenetic deregulation in AML”
Shigeki Iwase, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Human Genetics, “Michigan-made nascent RNA sequencing revealed neuronal activity-dependent transcription start sites”
Chembio Seminar: Wed, Oct 25th 4 PM, 1640 Chemistry Ming Hammond, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley “Illuminating the Single-Cell Biology of Chemical Signals in Bacterial and Immune Cells” (Seminar Flyer & Abstract)
Mini-Course Seminar: Tues, Oct 24th 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, North Lecture Hall, Med Sci II Charles Carter, Ph.D., Biochemistry and Biophysics; UNC “Interdependence, Reflexivity, Fidelity, Impedance Matching, and the Evolution of Genetic Coding” (Course Flyer)
Symposium: Fri, Oct 20th 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM, BRSB “A. Alfred Taubman Medical Research Institute’s Annual Symposium & 10th Anniversary Celebration Featuring the awarding of the $100,000 Taubman Prize” (event details)
Dr Mark Schlissel & RNA Center co-director Nils Walter at the 10th Anniversary Taubman Institute Symposium celebrating the success of the Center for RNA Biomedicine. Who could forget President’s Schlissel’s Welcome Address at our Inaugural Symposium?

Mini-Course Seminar: Tues, Oct 17th 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, North Lecture Hall, Med Sci II Loren Williams, Ph.D., Chemistry and Biochemistry; Georgia Tech (Course Flyer)
RNA Innovation Seminars|| Theme: RNA for Beginners , Vol 2 (10/16/17)

Ljungman & Li
Oct 16, 2017
Mats Ljungman, Ph.D., Founding Co-Director of the Center for RNA Biomedicine, Professor, Departments of Radiation Oncology and Environmental Health Sciences, Translational Oncology Program “From Cradle to Grave”
Jun Li, Ph.D., Professor of Human Genetics, Associate Professor & Associate Chair for Research of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics, Faculty, Center for Statistical Genetics; Comprehensive Cancer Center, Member, Depression Center; Michigan Diabetes Research Center; Michigan Metabolomics & Obesity Center “Single-cell genomic data analysis: theory, algorithm and application”
Symposium: Thurs, Oct 12th 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM, BRSB “Protein Folding Diseases Initiative Symposium” Register here by Oct 2nd
Mini-Course Seminar: Tues, Oct 10th 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, North Lecture Hall, Med Sci II David Deamer, Ph.D., Physical and Biological Sciences; UC, Santa Cruz “Hydrothermal fields, not vents: A terrestrial origin of life” (Course Flyer)
RNA Innovation Seminars|| Theme: Applications of RNA-Seq (10/2/17)
Maureen Sartor, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics, Medical School Associate Professor of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Assistant Director for Graduate Education, Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics “Using RNA-seq to study HPV-positive tumor subtypes and HPV integration in head and neck cancer” Abstract
Katsuo Kurabayashi, Ph.D., Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Associate Chair for Graduate Education, Mechanical Engineering, Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
“A versatile toolbox for droplet-based single-cell mRNA sequencing” Abstract
Course Sponsored by the Cellular & Molecular Biology and Genetics Training Programs: Tue, Sept 26th 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM, Room M3330 Medical Science I, Long Cai, Ph.D., Caltech “Spatial Genomics: single cell in situ transcription profiling and lineage analysis”
RNA Innovation Seminars|| Theme: RNA in gene regulation (9/18/17)

Sally Camper, PhD
Margery Shaw Distinguished University Professor of Human Genetics
Sally Camper, Ph.D., Margery Shaw Distinguished University Professor of Human Genetics, Professor of Internal Medicine “Role of RNA splicing in Pituitary Insufficiency and Growth Disorders”
Seminar: Thurs, Sept 14th 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, 5330 Med. Sci. I Britt Glaunsinger, Ph.D., UC Berkeley “Controlling the message: viral manipulation of host gene expression during infection”
Mini-Course Seminar: Tues, Sept 12th 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, North Lecture Hall, Med Sci II Ramanarayanan Krishnamurthy, Ph.D., Chemistry; Scripps Research Inst. “Origins of Life – Giving Rise to Biological Chemistry from Pre-Biological Chemistry” (Course Flyer)

Nils Walter, Ph.D.
RNA Innovation Seminars|| Theme: RNA for Beginners , Volume 1 (9/11/17)
presented by Founding Co-Director of the Center for RNA Biomedicine:
Nils Walter, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry, Biophysics, and Biological Chemistry; Founding Director, Single Molecule Analysis in Real-Time (SMART) Center “RNA for Beginners, Volume 1″ (Seminar Flyer)
DCMB Seminar: 3:30-4:30pm Wed, Sep 6th, Forum Hall, Palmer Commons. Hyun Min Kang, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biostatistics “Robust and powerful single cell RNA-seq studies by leveraging natural genetic variation” (Kang Flyer/abstract)