RNA Faculty Spotlight — Dan Peltier, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology

Daniel Peltier M.D., Ph.D.
Clinical Lecturer
Pediatric Hematology/Oncology

Video profile

My scientific and clinical interests include discovering ways to modulate the immune system to help ameliorate childhood disease, especially high-risk pediatric malignancies. Currently, I am working with Dr. Reddy investigating novel ways RNA molecules impact T cell biology and alloimmunity. One aspect of this work seeks to understand the role long non-coding RNAs play in alloimmunity, the result of which could directly influence the development of therapies to improve bone marrow transplantation for children with high risk malignancies and have broader implications for T-cell biology and other inflammatory disorders.

  • Who/what brought you to science?
    Its potential to help others. Curiosity. The thrill of discovering the unknown.
  • What brought you to the University of Michigan?
    Its immense resources and collaborative environment.
  • What advice would you give to students who’d like to get more involved in research?
    Be curious and seek out all opportunities to gain experience.
  • Are there any opportunities for students to engage in your projects, currently or in the future?
    Not currently due to the pandemic, but potentially in the future.
  • What skills would they need? Ideally, some bench experience (course work) in biochemistry, cell biology, and immunology (all are not required as much would be learned experientially).
  • What could they expect to learn? Immunology, cell biology, biochemistry
  • What profession other than your own would you enjoy, or what is your favorite hobby?
    I think being an outdoor hiking/wilderness tour guide would be amazing

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