RNA Collaborative Seminar Series // Host: University of Michigan

REGISTRATION REQUIRED: https://umich.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_6OEQ6sDAQ0-21GHm6d7VEQ "Dynamic multivalent interactions drive mammalian RNA regulation" Sethu Pitchiaya, Ph.D. Department of Urology               "Characterizing cellular RNA-protein interaction networks with chemical probes" Chase Weidmann, Ph.D. Department of Biological Chemistry               For the seminar details, visit: https://www.rnasociety.org/rna-collaborative-seminar-series

Dipali Sashital, Iowa State University

"Achieving and Balancing Specificity in the CRISPR-Cas Systems" Dipali Sashital, Iowa State University Department of Biological Chemistry seminar Zoom link: https://umich.zoom.us/j/91821866007 Hosts: Yan Zhang and Nils Walter

Bioinnitiatives in Brain Cancer (BIBC) | Castro & Lowenstien

BIBC Hybrid Seminar Series: Dr. Pedro Lowenstein and Dr. Maria G. Castro DATE: Friday, September 10, 2021 TIME: 4:00 pm—5:00 pm LOCATION: NCRC, B10 Research Auditorium Dr. Maria G. Castro and Dr. Pedro Lowenstein, Richard C. Schneider Collegiate Professors of Neurosurgery will be presenting their novel work studying glioma invasion, migration, growth, and the immune...

RNA Innovation Seminar, Rhiju Das, Ph.D.

"Recent improvements in modeling and design of RNA-only structures" Rhiju Das, Ph.D. Associate Professor Departments of Biochemistry and (by courtesy) Physics Stanford University Registration: https://umich.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_i7vWSsxDQfSVbQP1C7HGSQ   Abstract: The discovery and design of biologically important RNA molecules is outpacing three-structural characterization. I'll describe results from my and Wah Chiu's groups that demonstrate that cryo-electron microscopy can resolve...