U-M RNA courses

Main Course Topic is RNA

The below information is gathered from the Rackham Course guide: https://www.lsa.umich.edu/cg/, please check their website to confirm.

Subject(s) Course # Course Name Instructor(s)
CHEM 455 Special Topics in Biochemistry – Nucleic Acid Kristin Koutmou
Bioinformatics / Math 540 Mathematics of Biological Networks Indika Rajapakse
Bioinformatics 545 RNA-Seq course Gerry Higgins
BIOSTAT 646 RNA-Seq course Gerry Higgins
BIOLCHEM 505 Nucleic Acids Biochemistry
BIOLCHEM 650 Eukaryotic Gene Transcription Tom Kerppola

RNA Involvement in Course

Subject(s) Course # Course Name Instructor(s)
MCDB 306 Intro Genetics Lab Diane Spillane
MCDB 310 Intro Biochemistry Randy Stockbridge
MCDB 427 Molecular Biology John Schiefelbein, Anuj Kumar
BIOLOGY 172 Intro Bio – Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Matthew Chapman, Gyorgyi Csankovszki, Laury Wood
BIOLOGY 207 Microbiology Vincent Denef
BIOLCHEM 415 Into Biochemistry Alexander Ninfa
CHEM 351 Kristin Koutmou/Jennifer Bridwell-Rabb
CHEM 525 Kristin Koutmou
CHEMBIO, BIOPHYS, CHEM, MEDCHEM, PHRMACOL,BIOLCHEM 501 Chemical Biology I Bruce Palfey, Krisitin Koutmou, Markos Koutmos
BIOLCHEM 515 Intro Biochem Alexander Ninfa
BIOLCHEM 516 Intro Biochemistry Lab Qiong Yang
BIOLCHEM 690 Biochemical Regulatroy Mechanisms Anne Vojtek
HUMGEN 541 Molecular Genetics Multiple

Subject Abbreviations:

  • BIOINF = Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BIOINF)
  • BIOLCHEM = Biological Chemistry
  • BIOLOGY = Biology
  • BIOMEDE = Biomedical Engineering
  • BIOPHYS = Biophysics
  • CDB = Cell and Developmental Biology
  • CHEM = Chemistry
  • CHEMBIO = Chemical Biology
  • CMBIOL = Cellular and Molecular Biology
  • HUMGEN = Human Genetics
  • MCDB = Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
  • MEDCHEM = Medicinal Chemistry
  • NEUROSCI = Neuroscience
  • PHRMACOL = Pharmacology
  • PHYSIOL = Physiology