The University of Michigan Center for RNA Biomedicine

The Center facilitates, promotes and supports RNA research and its community of scientists. It does this through annual symposia that gather world-renown experts, a series of seminars hosting speakers from different backgrounds and interests spanning the entire field of RNA research, and various community engagement activities.

With over 160 faculty and their affiliated labs across seven Schools and Colleges of the University of Michigan (U-M), the Center for RNA Biomedicine is one of the leading RNA research communities in the world.

The U-M Center’s scientific community has identified five areas of expansion for the period 2019–2024, and has been charged with hiring five faculties in the following specialties:

• RNA drug targeting or as medicine
• Structural biology of RNA nanomachines
• RNA structural in vivo profiling
• RNA protein interaction profiling
• In vivo analysis of long non-coding
   RNA function

The Center offers access to two U-M core facilities. The Single Molecule Analysis in Real-Time (SMART) Center provides university researchers with single molecule detection and manipulation tools to track and analyze biomolecules with unprecedented detail. At the Bru-Seq Lab, scientists can use four different techniques to reliably collect and analyze RNA sequences.