RNA Collaborative Seminar Series // Host: NCI RNA Biology Initiative
For the seminar details, visit: https://www.rnasociety.org/rna-collaborative-seminar-series
For the seminar details, visit: https://www.rnasociety.org/rna-collaborative-seminar-series
"Structure of a meiosis-specific complex central to BRCA2 localization at recombination sites" Jayakrishnan Nandakumar, Ph.D. U-M LSI Structure Series Location: LSI Library
“Fluorescent nucleoside analogues with new properties” Byron Purse, Ph.D. Associate Professor Organic Chemistry San Diego State University HYBRID SEMINAR: In-person: Forum Hall, Palmer Commons Zoom: https://umich.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__vvE2dtHQi-R3h05JUHBzQ FLYER IN PDF Abstract: Fluorescent nucleoside analogues (FNAs) are powerful probes for studying the structure and dynamics of nucleic acids, which are vital to understanding RNA...
"Genetics through the Lens of an Ophthalmologist and Vision Scientist" Rajesh C. Rao, M.D. Leonard G. Miller Professor Associate Professor Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences Department of Pathology Department of Human Genetics seminar ZOOM MEETING ID: 947 5800 7294 PASSCODE: 900076 https://umich.zoom.us/j/94758007294?pwd=Sk9VMGlnTXRZWWJwbnZCZUx4MlI0QT09 FLYER IN PDF
For the seminar details, visit: https://www.rnasociety.org/rna-collaborative-seminar-series
"Functional Interplay Between CRISPR-Cas and Transposable Elements" Sam Sternberg, Columbia University Department of Biological Chemistry seminar Location: 3330 MS I Hosts: Yan Zhang and Nils Walter
"Imaging single-mRNA translation dynamics in living color" Tim Stasevich, Ph.D. Associate Professor Dean and Pingping Tsao Professor of Biochemistry CSU Monfort Professor Boettcher Investigator Colorado State University Registration:Â https://umich.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_OzTuwf2zRN-6zCZk1pA_lQ Flyer in PDF Keywords: translational regulation, gene expression, fluorescence microscopy, intrabodies, single-molecule imaging Abstract: My lab is creating technology to image mRNA translation in real time...
For the seminar details, visit: https://www.rnasociety.org/rna-collaborative-seminar-series
"Know Thy Enemy: Making CRISPR Memories" Michael Terns, University of Georgia Department of Biological Chemistry seminar Location: 3330 MS I Hosts: Yan Zhang and Nils Walter
For the seminar details, visit: https://www.rnasociety.org/rna-collaborative-seminar-series