RNA Collaborative Seminar Series // Host: Groupe de Recherche RNA (GDR)
For the seminar details, visit: https://www.rnasociety.org/rna-collaborative-seminar-series
For the seminar details, visit: https://www.rnasociety.org/rna-collaborative-seminar-series
For more details, visit: https://www2.rnasociety.org/conferences/rna-2021/ 2021 ORGANIZERS: Gene Yeo – University of California San Diego, USA Jörg Vogel – University of Würzburg, Germany Katrin Karbstein – Scripps Research Institute, Florida, USA Xavier Roca – Nanyang Technological University, Singapore V. Narry Kim – Seoul National University, South Korea Anna Marie Pyle – Yale University, USA
For the seminar details, visit: https://www.rnasociety.org/rna-collaborative-seminar-series
Registration: https://umich.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_uLz-ONHVQPuRINMYUNvBJQ Flyer: Khan & McMillan Seminar flyer "CCR5 as a model to examine reporter assays in evaluating translational phenomena" Yousuf Khan Knight-Hennessy Scholar NSF fellow Stanford University Keywords: dual luciferase, frameshifting, recoding, CCR5 Abstract: During the decoding of a subset of mRNAs, a proportion of ribosomes productively shift to the...
For the seminar details, visit: https://www.rnasociety.org/rna-collaborative-seminar-series
REGISTRATION REQUIRED: https://umich.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_6OEQ6sDAQ0-21GHm6d7VEQ "Dynamic multivalent interactions drive mammalian RNA regulation" Sethu Pitchiaya, Ph.D. Department of Urology "Characterizing cellular RNA-protein interaction networks with chemical probes" Chase Weidmann, Ph.D. Department of Biological Chemistry For the seminar details, visit: https://www.rnasociety.org/rna-collaborative-seminar-series
For the seminar details, visit: https://www.rnasociety.org/rna-collaborative-seminar-series
For the seminar details, visit: https://www.rnasociety.org/rna-collaborative-seminar-series
For the seminar details, visit: https://www.rnasociety.org/rna-collaborative-seminar-series
For the seminar details, visit: https://www.rnasociety.org/rna-collaborative-seminar-series