Precision-induced DNA double strand breaks in cancer cells using CRISPR


Tuesday, April 21, 12:30–1:30 Meeting URL Recording Precision-induced DNA double strand breaks in cancer cells using CRISPR Mats Ljungman, Ph.D., University of Michigan, co-director of the U-M Center for RNA Biomedicine

RNA Collaborative seminar series – Yale hosting


Introducing the RNA Collaborative seminar series, organized by eight RNA Centers, including U-M: Wednesday, April 22, 4:00–5:00 Zoom access  Sarah Slavoff, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Chemistry and of Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry, Yale University “Regulation of RNA decapping and phase separation by a human polypeptide” Nadya Dimitrova, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental...

RNA Collaborative Seminar Series – University of Michigan hosting


  Hosted by the University of Michigan Center for RNA Biomedicine Wednesday, May 6, 4:00-5:00 EST Zoom link It's not the gene, it's the neighborhood: Effects of large scale chromosomal structure on bacterial transcription Peter Freddolino, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Biological Chemistry and Computational Medicine & Bioinformatics Member of the Center for RNA Biomedicine Executive Committee...

RNA Collaborative Seminar Series – University At Albany hosting


Hosted by The RNA Institute, University At Albany Speaker: Morgan Sammons, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, University at Albany Member of the RNA Institute Associate Faculty Title: Regulatory paradigms controlling a core stress response Speaker: Alan A. Chen, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Chemistry, University at Albany Member of the RNA Institute Faculty Title: Simulating RNA folding pathways in...

RNA Collaborative Seminar Series – Sherbrooke, Québec hosting

  Wednesday, June 3, 2020, 4:00–5:00 pm Hosted by the Riboclub, Sherbrooke, Québec   Nutrient-dependent control of RNA polymerase II elongation rate regulates gene expression programs by alternative polyadenylation Francois Bachand, Sherbrooke Spliceosome Structure: Can the Blind Men Now Describe the Elephant? Andrew McMillan, University of Alberta Moderator: Sherif Abou Elela For the ZOOM link, please...

RNA Collaborative Seminar Series – UMass Medical School, RNA Therapeutics Institute

Wednesday, June 17, 2020, 4:00–5:00 pm Hosted by UMass Medical School, RNA Therapeutics Institute Athma Pai "How efficiently do cells create mRNA? Balancing speed and accuracy in gene regulation" Jonathan Watts “Fighting fire with fire (or RNA with RNA) in the treatment of COVID-19”   Moderator: Phil Zamore, PhD Registration Recording of the session The RNA...

RNA Collaborative Seminar Series – MD Anderson Center for RNA Interference and Non-Coding RNAs hosting

Wednesday, July 1, 2020, 4:00–5:00 pm Hosted by MD Anderson Center for RNA Interference and Non-Coding RNAs “ncRNAs: ‘inside out’ cancer regulomers” Simone Anfossi, Instructor and Fellow of the MDACC ncRNA Center “Therapeutic Targeting of ncRNAs in Cancer” Cristian Rodriguez-Aguayo, Instructor and Fellow of the MDACC ncRNA Center Moderator: George Calin Recording of the session...

RNA Collaborative Seminar Series – University of Rochester Center for RNA Biology

Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 4:00–5:00 pm Hosted by University of Rochester Center for RNA Biology “Programmable RNA-targeting by CRISPR-Cas enzymes” Mitch O'Connell, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics; Member, Center for RNA Biology “Coupled protein synthesis and ribosome-guided piRNA processing on mRNAs” Xin Li, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Departments of Biochemistry & Biophysics, and...